The Origin of the VSDAA Logo …

VSDAA Logo - acorn shaped with main hall on it

When we (re)founded the Alumni Association circa 1955, I collaborated with R. Aumon Bass, T. C. Lewellyn, Jerry Grizzle and Warren Blackwell (alumni treasurer at the time). We came up with the Acorn design in honor of the acorns at the VSDB gate posts (left over from the time there were actual gates there in horse and buggy days – gates were closed at night). We wanted to recognize the many “Tall Oaks” that had grown from their “acorn days” at VSD. Warren took the design to an engraver and had a stamp made which we have used for many years. I should give major credit to the late Rev. Warren C. Blackwell for coming up with the original illustration which was made into a printing cut. Warren was clever and innovative in his contributions. FIAT LUX does indeed mean “Let there be Light.” It is also the title of an article I wrote about becoming deaf in the (I think) December 1941 issue of the Virginia Guide. The article, incidentally, was titled “Let There Be Light.” Maybe just a coincidence.
– Fred P. Yates

Note: the logo was revised pursuant to the decision of the alumni membership to have “Virginia School for the Deaf Alumni Association” rather than “Auld Lang Syne Alumni Association” as their official name in 2000.